Mortgage assistance

The search for a mortgage is one of the most delicate moments of buying a property. At this stage it is necessary not only to find the most favourable economic conditions and suitable for the customer’s needs, but also to verify the amount and timing of disbursement, so that our consultants can carry out a targeted research and eliminate time losses. A common belief is that you should wait to find the right property first, and then talk to various lenders, but that’s not the case! The real estate market today requires fast response times, so it is essential to have a pre-free mortgage as soon as possible so that the customer is already eligible when he finds the house of his dreams.

In order to help our clients in this delicate phase, we avail ourselves of the external collaboration of a credit broker we trust, who in close cooperation with our Property Finders can find the best conditions in the shortest possible time, assuming the burden of all the bureaucratic management of the mortgage.